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Luigi De Angelis | Nina

© Enrico Fedrigoli


In Nina, the Fanny & Alexander company investigates, in a blend of music and performance, the human voice, via the technique of heterodirection. 

The soprano Claron McFadden embodies the mythical figure of Nina Simone, and conveys the unique energy of this individual who set out to be "the first black pianist”.

from 13 to 16 | 12 | 2023


concept, direction and lighting design. Luigi De Angelis

performer. Claron McFadden

dramaturgy and costumes. Chiara Lagani

musical creation. Claron McFadden, Damiano Meacci

electronic music and sound design. Damiano Meacci

photography. Enrico Fedrigoli

coaching. Andrea Argentieri

Ircam computer music collaboration. Manuel Poletti

Ircam sound diffusion. Jérémie Bourgogne

Production Fanny & Alexander

In collaboration with Muziektheater Transparant, Romaeuropa Festival, Tempo Reale

Coproduction Ircam - Centre Pompidou (Paris), Festival d'Automne à Paris

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