music by Pascal Dusapin
World premiere
Frankfurter Positionen, Frankfurt LAB, Frankfurt am Main
02, 03 | 02 | 2019
Centquatre, Salle 400, Paris
02 | 06 | 2019
Ensemble Modern,
Pascal Dusapin (Concept and Composition),
Claus Guth (Direction),
Thierry Coduys (Electro acoustic System IRCAM),
Jérôme Nika (Collaboration music information technology IRCAM),
Etienne Pluss (Set design),
Olaf Winter (Lighting design),
Roland Horvath/rocafilm (Video),
Dorothee Joisten (Costume design),
Yvonne Gebauer (Dramaturgy),
Axel Weidauer (Assistant director),
Clémence de Vergnette (Assistant set design),
Gal Fefferman (Choreographic collaboration)
A production of Ensemble Modern, IRCAM, and Künstlerhaus Mousonturm for the Frankfurter Positionen. IRCAM, as part of the DYCI2 project is supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR). Frankfurter Positionen is initiated by the BHF BANK Stiftung. Supported by the German Federal Cultural Foundation. With kind support by Oper Frankfurt.
Lullaby Experience is a participatory project imagined by the composer Pascal Dusapin, open to all—children and adults alike—worldwide.
Each of us has, deep inside themselves, a tune that marked their childhood. Often, this song has been deformed by time and memory. It is this memory that we ask you to sing, to whisper.
The collected recordings will provide the sounds used by the composer for the musical creation of Lullaby Experience. Transformed and assembled, they will create the sound portrait of each city where the work will be shown.